NHS continuing healthcare is the name given to a package of care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS for individuals who are not in hospital but have a “primary health need”.
NHS continuing healthcare is non-means tested, unlike social and community care services provided by local authorities for which you may be charged depending on your income and savings.
We have dealt with many examples of people being overlooked for NHS continuing healthcare and the financial implications, and the consequent effect on quality of life, can be significant. We can assist you in obtaining an assessment, representing you at the assessment meetings and challenging unfavourable decisions.
Anyone paying their own care fees, acting as an attorney or deputy for someone paying their own fees or as an executor of an estate which has been depleted by care fees must consider whether this method of funding is appropriate. A failure by an attorney, deputy or executor to do so could lead to a claim against them for failing to safeguard the assets of the estate.
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