If you are considering the appointment of a deputy or trustee our experienced team can assist you with tailored advice.
Daniel Lumb is appointed to act as professional deputy for property and financial affairs for complex cases involving personal injury and clinical negligence awards, financial abuse cases and cases where clients or their assets are outside of jurisdiction. He has been a solicitor for over 15 years and a member of The Office of the Public Guardian’s panel of professional deputies for over 10 years.
Daniel and his team also act as professional attorney and trustee who also advise upon the day-to-day responsibilities of lay and professional attorneys, deputies, and trustees.
Our experienced team provide training and seminars to a wide range of professionals including:
- Care homes
- Accountants
- Independent Financial Advisors
- Investment managers
- Solicitors
- Local authorities
- The Office of the Public Guardian
Property and Affairs Deputyship
We have extensive experience in both acting as professional panel deputy and in supporting the applications of both lay clients and less experienced professionals.
Health and Welfare Deputyship
Our team of experts can guide you to further understand whether the appointment of a health and welfare deputy would be in the best interests of a person.
Professional Deputyship
As a member of the Office of the Public Guardian’s panel of professional deputies we have a vast amount of professional deputyship knowledge and experience.
Financial abuse and safeguarding
The financial abuse of vulnerable members of society is a widespread problem which we often have to deal with in our role as professional deputies.
Statutory Wills
We can assist applicants (usually the deputy) in assessing the merits of an application and in presenting the required documentation in accordance with the Court of Protection Rules.
Personal Injury Trust Advice
By using our services, you will also gain access to independent professional expertise on investment, tax and all associated trust administration services.
Key contacts