We present lectures and provide training seminars and webinars on a range of private client subjects, both locally and in London and for the Law Society.
Please do get in touch if you would like us to provide any training to your team and we will be happy to tailor a session to suit your time and budgetary constraints. Many charities have found our training sessions to be of great assistance in the furtherance of their objects. We can provide staff training sessions to suit your time and budgetary constraints and we have limited pro-bono hours available each year. We are also happy to provide some sessions for the families who may attend your contact centres. The most popular subjects for charities are currently financial abuse, powers of attorney and the court of protection, the Mental Capacity Act and the Care Act.
Professional Connections
An effective and collegiate professional network is crucial for high quality service provision and we work closely with accountants and independent financial advisers to achieve this. There are clear overlaps in our service offerings and we have provided lunchtime training sessions to many local firms to assist them in identifying risks and opportunities for their businesses. The most popular seminars for other professionals are currently in relation to care fees, the court of protection and financial abuse.
Many charities have found our training sessions to be of great assistance in the furtherance of their objects. We can provide staff training sessions to suit your time and budgetary constraints and we have limited pro-bono hours available each year. We are also happy to provide some sessions for the families who may attend your contact centres. The most popular subjects for charities are currently financial abuse, powers of attorney and the court of protection, the Mental Capacity Act and the Care Act.
Care Providers
Care providers face an increasingly complex regulatory regime and the need for specialist legal advice is greater than ever. We work in conjunction with other firms to provide staff training sessions to suit your time and budgetary constraints. The most popular subjects for care providers are currently powers of attorney and the court of protection, the Mental Capacity Act and “best interests”, Deprivation if Liberty Safeguards (“DOLS”) and the Care Act.
Key contacts